“The Oft-Defeated” may be the stake Sarah drove into her own heart
No, I haven’t seen it, and now that I’m not going to use a viewing in Phoenix as the kickoff to the e-single that would have been Sarah Palin’s Arizona, I don’t intend to.
But it’s the same as reading Bristol’s “book,” or Levi’s upcoming “book”: I don’t have to view or read to know how appalling these products are.
Many years ago, when I contacted the late William Safire to try to arrange an interview about his impressions of Teddy Kennedy, he courteously declined, saying, “I don’t kick ’em when they’re down.”
I’d feel the same way about Sarah, Bristol and Levi–The Unholy Trinity–except that they refuse to admit that they’re down yet, and mass media, as personified most recently by the revolting Jay Leno, keep them propped up, trying to squeeze the last dollar out of pretending to take them seriously, even as these unholy three try to squeeze the last dollar out of their Wasilla Hillbilly act.
See Leno disgracing himself here, and also enjoy Gryphen’s commentary. For once, the squalid Don Rickles was in his element.
Talk about marriages made in hell.
We can, however, cut the kids some slack. After all, Bristol learned only from her mother (certainly never at school,) and Levi (who still doesn’t have a high school degree) woke up one day to find he’d won the Impregnation Lottery, and why shouldn’t he try to make an easy buck, since he has no skills that would enable him to earn an honest one?
But Sarah is different.
In THE ROGUE, I write about Sarah’s close association with a Christian Dominionist leader named C. Peter Wagner, who founded an organization called Global Harvest Ministries.
Wagner’s goal–and the goal of Sarah Palin–is to end the separation of church and state in America, and to turn our country into a Christian Dominionist theocracy.
Before Global Harvest Ministries, Wagner co-founded, with Ted Haggard–later disgraced when it was learned he’d used crystal meth during homosexual trysts–an outfit called
the World Prayer Center, in Colorado Springs, CO.
As I write in THE ROGUE:
The center has been described in Charisma magazine as “a spiritual version of the Pentagon”—the command center for Wagner’s worldwide campaign against demons.
Trust me, you’ve never heard lunacy like this.
I lay it all out in THE ROGUE, but I can offer one brief excerpt here:
Members of Wagner’s Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation are convinced that their prayers can literally destroy individuals whom they’ve identified as demonic. Among those for whose deaths they claim credit are Mother Teresa and Princess Diana.
Wagner taught his followers that a female mega-demon whom he called…“The Great Harlot of Mystery Babylon” lurked near the summit of Mount Everest…One of Wagner’s leading apostles in Mexico was a woman named Ana Mendez, a former witch in a Haitian voodoo cult…she led a team of twenty-six intercessors to Mount Everest in an assault she called, “Operation Ice Castle.” She and her elite force launched highly targeted intercessory prayers directly at the Great Harlot…Apparently, the prayers found their mark, killing the Harlot Queen.
This is the stuff Sarah believes and acts upon. But you won’t see it in the new movie about her.
Even so, the new movie is so awful as to be laughed off the screen by professional reviewers of all political persuasions.
See this from Politico (not exactly a left-wing site.)
Sarah encouraged this poor sap Bannon to spend his millions in an attempt to save her from her own banality, ugliness, and freaky Christian Dominionism.
That he fell flat on his face has now become painfully apparent.
Not that there was any way he could have succeeded.
After all, when your subject is a sow’s ear (aka “The Great Harlot of Wasilla”), it’s tough to make a silk purse.
Sarah would have been better off keeping her distance from this farce. But by showing up in Iowa for its very first public showing, she tied her future to its credibility and its success.
As is now evident, it has neither.
Hoping for even more silk for her purse, she’s managed only to drive a stake–if not through her heart–at least through her own sow’s ear.
Yet one more defeat for “The Oft-Defeated.”
Thanks Joe!
You have my interest Mr. McGinniss. The Rogue will be on my kindle. I’m curious if on some level you wish Governor Palin was running for president and polling around where Bachman was. It would certainly help your sales if that was the case.
Just for curiosity’s sake, Joe, since you brought up Levi Johnston as one of the “Unholy Trinity”…
I guess there’s no truth to the rumor I’ve seen bandied about on several blogs that the Palins seemingly blacklisted Levi throughout Alaska, word of mouth getting around that no one should hire him?
This was apparently after the episode where his father helped him get an apprentice job (ahead of a waiting list) on the Slope soon after the 2008 election, with Sarah if not also Todd writing a letter of recommendation/approval — and when those machinations came to light Levi lost the job. I assume the alleged blacklisting came about because the Palins were publicly embarrassed by their involvement coming to light, too.
Seems to me the timing also roughly coincided with the breakup between Bristol and Levi. The public attacks on Levi by the Palins started up around then, with their frequent “interviews” by the gossip rags.
Nutso on C4P re: OC article about the empty theater:
You’re absolutely right, Rose. These are grave offenses and should (must) be dealt with as such.
The lying media have become political operatives for the left. This is tantamount to treason. We have no choice but to hold them fully accountable in every possible way.
“Treason”, you say?
Opening the same night, Harry Potter &tDH Pt.2 grossed $91.3 million, The Undefeated grossed $28,700.
Palinbots are claiming this to be good, very good, as that means- it premiered on 10 screens – that it took in $2,870 per screen.
Joe, I have no doubt the findings in your book are totally backed up by fact and footnoted. If the tiny excerpt published above was meant to be a *tease* it is so far out there that I truly hope the casual reader doesn’t think that this is insanity on the other side of the SP insanity coin. The lack of context, the holes, unanswered questions, etc., that arise from that passage may end up detracting from the entirety of the book. (I truly hope that is not the case and that the Big Time Publicists and Rock Star Author don’t much consider input from a worker-bee such as myself, but I would be remiss if I didn’t bring this forward. And putting pigs and Linda R. as a graphic?? It’s an insult to the animals and the lovely Linda. 🙂
Palinbots are amateurs, and no nothing about how to measure a B.O. success. 10 screens nationwide in pathetic. It will never go past this week.
Hey sideshow, Twenty Four thousand delusional morons called. They want their money back.
Thank you Joe. I do not have enough curiosity to go see this movie even if I was given a free ticket.
Not only does she have delusional adult cult members, she now also has the Palin Youth.
They also hold a hand in the air when they listen to Palin speeches. They can’t seem to see they look just like a group of Germans in the 1930’s. Fortunately, we can and will stop the fascists sooner this time.
Sounds like one of them there Sovereign Citizens talking.
Seriously, some of these folks are very dangerous, and Sarah is loving every minute of their dangerous devotion to her.
Sales are completely separate from her popularity.
That’s the only reason she’s still covered by MSM, because we the readers, like to rubberneck the train wreck,
yet her polls are 11 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable, even in her home state.
Absolutely love your way with words. And, you nailed Leno. So looking forward to reading The Rogue.
Thanks for the stats, I was hoping to hear some sales numbers. If you divide the per screen take by $10 per ticket and six shows on the first day (including the midnight show), the average number of seats filled is 48. I was just at an AMC 20 screen theater in a very small auditorium of about 100 seats. On average and in the very smallest auditorium, the theater would have been slightly greater than half full. This was the turnout even with the film drawing from the population of up to a couple of hundred miles radius from the theater. The reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes website are hysterical.
Joe mentioned in a previous thread that a presidential run would help sales of the book but he wasn’t wishing for that for the good of the country. The book will be compelling enough and the timing of it to coincide with her self inflicted death spiral will satisfy me.
Typos in my comment above (“know,” “is”). Forgive my fatigue.
I still think this will be her excuse for not running. I live in Ga. and I saw this so called movie was being played in Kennesaw. For those of you not familiar with Kennesaw Ga. it is the favorite hiding place of the KKK and some not so hidden. The city officials a long time back made it a ordinance that every home owner must own a gun. Now that should give you a mental image of the are picked for this screening.
Mother Teresa a demon? Someone was wishing for her death? I would have to say anyone wishing for the death of Mother Teresa is the demon and not vice-versa. Mother Teresa? You have to be kidding me. Must be because she was a Catholic.
Michelle Bachmann’s church (she announced she left the church in June) opposes Catholics; so she must be the same kind of nut job. I went to the web site of the nut job and all the talk about the old Testament is pretty scary.
Separation of church and state is an intregral part of our system of government. If one did introduce church into the state, whose church would it be? There are many religions out there and they are all different. And who will speak for the atheists and agnostics? To accomodate all views, the government shall accomodate none.
If it ever looks like our First Amendment is in serious jeopardy, we all need to proceed to the Second Amendment.
Give me Liberty or give me Death is as good an idea today as is was in 1775.
Whether she runs or not, it will be news, so either way the attention on her will be the same in Sept, when the book is due.
There could be MORE news if she doesn’t run. Stories of mass suicide and the like.
I have no idea what happened to that last sentence.
Should have read, ” that should give you a mental image of the area they picked for this screening”.
I blame my dad for that I was running late for our Sunday morning breakfast together and I wanted to leave a comment before going to dad’s. Sorry
And now the lovely Britta is following the family tradition and is in the family way, due in August (yes, the supposed wedding was in May.If this film doesn’t signal the end of Palin, I’m hoping that the total lack of morals shown by her children will be more than enough for a vast majority of Americans to picture this bizarre clan as first family, and run away screaming. Carter had Billy, and Bill had his brother, but Sarah has children to be so proud of, and I’ve no doubt they would all move in to the people’s house.
Thanks for the link. Here’s more info from the same article.
A bit of an underwhelming launch for Undefeated, the Sarah Palin campaign ad that averaged $2870 per screen yesterday or about 287 people a day per screen or about 60 people per screening. Other better indies did worse… but none had the marketing might of FoxNews behind them.
“Underwhelming” is an understatement…
Per the director: They’re looking to get folks to round up friends who share their politics to go see the film the opening weekend with a goal of “12,000 tickets sold” that first weekend. That’s 1,200 tickets per theater, since the film is opening in only 10 theaters nationwide including the AMC Universal Citywalk. And that breaks down to about 100 tickets per showing. Rounding up the ticket prices, they’re hoping the film does about $12,000 per screen per city. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_movies_blog/2011/07/undefeated-directorproducer-bannon.html
How apt for Sarah,hitch her cold,dark self to a group where all you have to do is pray. No hard work. All their talk has always been about the Palin brand,recall Bristol saying Levi was trying to cash in on their fame and brand.
If Sarah runs or not (she is a coward and will not run) she is hoping someone like Perry choose her for VP and then she will take over and pretend she is the one running for President.
Your book will show how devious and empty she is and why we must not trust the media. It will be an education.
This book will make tons of money, you betcha!
Don’t cha know? We are suppose to leave the children, ALONE!
We we should do is blast the hypocrisy of palin, insisting on abstinence education when there is a family history, 3 generation of family members who can’t learn a lesson but continue to insist that we have ti follow their rules.
because these are chrisitan rules.
There an insidious relationship between all these “Christian Dominionists.”
Palin has four appearances scheduled with Extraordinary Women Conferences in October, 2011 and for March and April, 2012. http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/7969317156.html
These conferences have a connection to Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Liberty University. Her October appearance at Liberty will be broadcast live to more than 1,000 churches, Falwell said.
An interesting side note:
Jerry Falwell, Jr. doesn’t want his students or staff learning how much government cash his school receives. Last month, the Lynchburg News & Advance reported that Liberty University, the evangelical private school founded by Jerry Falwell and run by Jerry Falwell, Jr., received almost half a billion dollars in federal financial aid money last year. After we pointed out that that was more federal money than NPR received last year…
Joe, thanks for addressing the revolting Jay Leno.
Woohoo Joe. Guess where I am – Barcelona! In your honour, I am going to visit Barcelona Football Stadium. I’m more of a rugby gal myself, but I do enjoy a good game of soccer.
I’ve bought the kindle and the book. When you are on this side of the world, Amazon is a day or so late and I just can’t wait that long.
I must say that I am more than surprised at the Dominionist aspect of your book, but boy am I looking forward to it.
Its far out there because Christian Domionists ARE far out there! Do you even know anything about them?
The point is for Sarah, it isnt far out there at all. It is what she grew up with.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron beat Sarah Voldemort Palin on the big screen.
LOL. Passed by hundreds of teens and adults lined up for a Sunday matinee showing of Harry. I wouldn’t know if the undefeated is playing around here, and care less.
Nice to know it is bombing big time.
Diane, don’t cha know that those “Christian rules” only apply to everyone else?? The version of “Christianity” that Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, et al proselytize allows them to dictate to ALL others. But IOKIYAR or IOKIYAC applies to themselves. For instance, it was ok for Rick Santorum’s WIFE to have an abortion to SAVE HER LIFE in 1997, but he now calls that a “phony excuse” for other women.
Joe, I am so thrilled that your book addresses Sarah’s crazy religion! Actually, I don’t think she is religious at all, but uses it as a tool to entice the brainwashed devout to look at her as their Dear Leader.
I knew NOTHING about the New Apostolic Reformation until Sarah Palin came on the scene with her Pastor Thomas Muthee. Their Seven Mountains Mandate is scary shit! I learned about these despicable “imprecatory prayers” that these “Prayer Warriors” sling in their imagined war when they aimed these at President Obama when he went to Hawaii, but they missed and Rush Limbaugh had a heart attack instead. Bwahaha! I guess their imprecatory prayers lack surveyor’s symbols. These people are flippin’ delusional, and dangerous.
I’ve been fascinated by Sarah’s Dominionist roots since she came on the political scene. Rarely is it ever mentioned by the MSM, so I’m very happy to hear that you’re covering it in The Rogue. I have several questions that you may or may not have covered in your book. If in fact they are covered, I will wait (impatiently) for my copy to arrive. If not, perhaps you can provide some insight into any or all of the following questions:
1.) Was McCain aware of Sarah’s Dominionist history?
2.) How much influence does Todd really have over Sarah’s decisions?
3.) Would you consider Michele Bachmann to be a Dominionist?
Thanks Joe!
It may be what she grew up with, but she is out there, if not in every public appearance she makes. She is, in the roots of her beliefs, a dominionist. She attenuated that in many respects as an Alaska politician. On the national stage, however, she connects with these people through terms they understand differently than most others. If she wore a long skirt and head cover all the time, rather than gave the cameras gratuitous crotch shots, cleavage, bling jewelry and spiked heels, the words might seem more sincere, and they probably would be. Nutcase Christianists are as susceptible to hypocrisy as anyone else.
What is immoral about having sex with a long term partner? I’ve never heard Track or Britta preach abstinence. I’m a bit tired of people painting her a harlot.
That’s funny! I lived in Kennesaw, Ga. in the early 90’s. I was there when they made that ordinance. It was originally in response to the increased house robberies and home invasions that were occurring back then. After that law passed, the incidences of that sort of crime took a nosedive. Since, it was co-opted by the NRA fanatic types and the KKK.
Santa Monica, Calif. — ARC Entertainment, the distributor of “The Undefeated,” the film about Gov. Sarah Palin’s rise from obscurity to national prominence, announced today that through Saturday night the film had a stronger opening than expected with the large markets trending towards weekend per screen averages above $10,000 driven by multiple sold-out runs. The film had accumulated approximately $5,000 per screen through Saturday night.
$5,000 per screen total through Saturday – $2,870 Friday’s per screen = $2,130 per screen on Saturday.
At this rate, and if this trend remains the same (26% drop), Sunday’s per screen will be about $1,580.
For a total weekend average of $6,580 per screen or $65,800 total weekend box office take. That’s slightly more than half of what the director needed/wanted for opening weekend.
Let’s see how they spin the actual numbers.
My first line was supposed to be sarcastic.
I can’t stand the hypocrisy that surrounds republicans, that say do as I say, not as I do!
My disgust with palin started with her oblivious needs of her children in accepting the VP nomination. A pregnant unwed teenager needs family support, but what was happening to Trig made me furious!
And before anybody accuses me of not supporting women, I would say the same thing about a man with the same family dynamics.
Take some time out, take care of your family’s needs first.
But yet she complains about people writing things about her children.
No, there’s nothing wrong with Britta and she doesn’t deserve criticism. It’s her holier-than-thou hypocritical MIL that the criticism should be directed toward.
I don’t think many people have a problem with long term partners being sexually active or anyone in his twenties for that matter. The situation with Britta just reveals Bristol Palin to be even more of a fraud than we knew she was. She can’t even convince close family and friends to buy what she is selling so the value of her abstinence message is not even two cents.
Nobody cares about Britta. It’s the Palin grifters that are the train wreck. Bristol is commically delusional in her interviews with the ladies of the View, Leno and the Christian news outlet. She’s under the impression that people care whether this cosmetically altered, long in the tooth post teen intends to shut her barn door after the horses have left.
Do you have a link for teens doing a Hitler salute?
Thanks Joe,
People should look into Sarah’s affiliations with the Dominionist movement, because it helps show what her mindset is, and I’m sure you added it to your book for just this reason. Prayer Warriors, impecatory prayer, and allowing one’s self to be “exorcised” of demons in the hope that God will “make a way” were the first hints for me. The other is her belief that the Jewish people will flock to Israel in great numbers in the days, weeks, and years ahead. (reference to end of times) and her audacity to wear a Key of David and Star of David as a symbol, and we all know how Sarah’s choices of symbols have consequences.
I don’t care to read Bristol’s book, but would honestly flip through the pages of Levi’s while sipping my starbucks coffee and sitting in Barne’s and Noble. Your book will be physically on my bookshelf, and on my newly acquired kindle. Believe me, I so look forward to seeing you reveal the real Sarah, and will do my part to help promote your book anyway and everyway I can.
Thank you so much. I appreciate your support and I can assure you that come Sept. 20 and in the weeks the follow your help will make a difference.
Daymn how long is jury duty in Ak? She said she quit her bus tour weeks ago to stand ready for court and now she claims she has to be on call through July.
While Levi’s book will not be a real book like yours, please don’t lump it in with Sarah’s and Bristol’s books. While he may not tell us the whole truth, I don’t think Levi will lie, as the Palins do in their books (and statements). And I bet he doesn’t claim God is on his side either, also unlike Sarah and Bristol. Levi means well, and that counts for something.
Did you mean to reply to me or the woman who didnt understand his post.
Because i am confused by your response. I didnt say Dominiinism wasnt at the core of her beliefs. In fact that was what i was trying to tell this woman. Its part of Sarah. I know what you are saying already but clearly the woman responding to Joe doesnt even know what Dominionism is.
I’m not sure why you say Levi “means well.” He’s trying to cash in just like the rest of them. He already told his story to Vanity Fair for money. He signed for a reality show. He’s like the guy in the Dire Straits song: “Get your money for nothing, get your chicks for free.” He’s left his mother destitute and ill, and has left his younger sister with all responsibility for caring for her. He has nothing to do with his son. He’s a dimwitted, uneducated, uninformed, uncurious slug whose sperm happened to be in the right place at the right time. Posing nude=means well? Yes, he means well in the sense that he’s interested in doing well for himself. He’s never shown the slightest interest in anyone else.
If he was my son, I would have kicked his ass long ago. And I’d say that even if a book with his name and face on the cover were not being published in September.
And I’ve already informed my publisher that I refuse to appear on any TV shows with him. Those that want him can have him, but it will be without me.
p.s. why don’t you think he will lie? Has he established any track record for veracity?
I meant to say I have ordered it!
Sorry…..too many sangrias. Can’t spelll my name tonight. 🙂
Ah, sangria! What a perfect mid-July drink. Glad you’re enjoying,
Maybe I’m naive also but, to me, Levi does come across as a more sympathetic character. His Vanity Fair interview rang true and it was cringe worthy to watch him being duped into discrediting himself by appeasing the Palins and saying that what he said in that article wasn’t true. He is the underdog now and he has been accused of rape which he may want to answer. I find the custody arrangement very odd, having been through a divorce myself. I don’t understand why Bristol is able to leave the state with the child and to use the child as her own little moneymaker. Is it really that Levi wants nothing to do with the child or has he been shut out?
Did you speak with Mercede, Levi or the mom while researching the book? I know that Levi didn’t finish high school. Is he really dimwitted or does he have a learning disability?
The early pictures of Levi and Bristol, especially with Trig and Tripp as newborns show a very tender Levi. I have no doubt he is an immature, punkish, uneducated, young adult but it appears what he learned about betrayal of family and selling out for a quick buck he learned within the last couple years being exploited by the Palin’s in addition to being sold out by Rex.
I think he is a side show now who is searching for fame. However I do believe he in some way gave away custody of Tripp or else the intimidation along with constant changes of states for Tripp deterred him from bonding with his son because in the beginning he was stepping up as much as one can expect from a kid.
Joe do you know was it Levi conning Bristol or Bristol duping Levi or were they in it together for the cash with that bogus tabloid blitz of getting wed?
I love Barcelona! Strolling the Ramblas, eating tapas and seeing the Picasso museum are mandatory.
“He’s a dimwitted, uneducated, uninformed, uncurious slug whose sperm happened to be in the right place at the right time. ” LOLOL! But really, is it certain that it was his sperm? His apparent disinterest in “his” son may be that he’s in fact a yahoo jerk or maybe he knows the kid isn’t really his?
unfortunately that is not a “Tease”.
If you go to talk2action.org and search on Sarah Palin & Mary Glassier, you will see the story of Palin’s Mentor Mary Glassier and how she brags that the Himalayan trip was successful b/c both Princess Di & Mother Theresa had passed away.
They call it “Spiritual Warfare” and use impreccatory prayers. Palin as she goes around is constantly giving her Warriors dog whistles, Pray for me, I need your prayers, etc, etc. Now she has even got Brisdull spouting this BS.
Another poster here mention 7 Mountains.
Do a search on Talk2action.org on 7 mountains.
Doncha know if those were the OBAMA girls the RW would be having a COW!
No one called her a “Harlot”…except you?
If she announces…she will have to speak for free? Is that right? Thanks for NPR vs American Taliban info going to tweet it out now!
PCG, same here, I had no idea at the scope of these fundies, Bwhahaha they missed and got Rush, good one 🙂
My understanding is they both made big bucks from the phony story and cover photograph.
More details in THE ROGUE.
OT: question. I’m reading Fatal Vision (Paperback) and I know you have a ton of stuff packed in there and “The Rogue” too, but I’m hoping the Font won’t be so small at least in the Hardback? Its a small thing.
The Font in the Going to Extremes re-release is just fine. 🙂
Hope you can stay until the new season opens, and see Barça play at Camp Nou.
I spoke to Levi’s mother and sister more than once. Both lovely people. Levi demanded money for an “interview.”
It’s Mary Glazier. Check this site: http://www.windwalkersinternational.org/aboutmary.htm
Sorry, that was supposed to be a reply to Joe at 10:43 PM.
Democracy depends on having a “diverse and antagonistic” Press. Sentiment (“Levi means well”) doesn’t really have a place where real Truth is concerned. You posted the facts:
“He’s left his mother destitute and ill, and has left his younger sister with all responsibility for caring for her. He has nothing to do with his son. He’s a dimwitted, uneducated, uninformed, uncurious slug whose sperm happened to be in the right place at the right time.”
Sad, but true. THANK YOU, Joe, for telling it as it is . . . not as some may want it to be. Our Democracy depends on it. John McCain may WANT to believe Sarah Palin was a wise choice for Vice President, but the FACTS belie this. And so it goes with Levi Johnston . . .
I think that fear is valid. There are many of her followers that would drink “The Kool-Aid”.
“We have no choice but to hold them fully accountable in every possible way…” That’s crazy / Dominionist talk.
Totally wrong. What are you thinking? Are you thinking?
Sorry…this went as a reply to sherry…. what happened??
I remember living in Stone Mountain Ga. in the 70’s and on Labor Day you could be privileged (not) to watch the KKK, in costume, on the street corners. I remember feeling as though I was punched in the stomach the first time I saw them. You would not see that now in a VERY mixed neighborhood, thank God.
Since Senator McCain spent about five minutes vetting Governor Palin, I seriously doubt that the Christian Dominionists came into it.
I really think Senator McCain regrets selecting her but can’t admit a grave mistake like that.
Imagine is McCain / Palin won. There is no way short of impeachment to remove a vice president from office and McCain is not a young man.
It is quite scary
2emptynest, I’m not Joe but the answer to Question #3 is “definitely yes!”
Way back, I think in Vanity Fair, Levi said Palin quit being Gov. so she could make big money. He was right. When he appeared on talk shows with his mom and sister, they all told the same story about access to Tripp, and you found Sadie and Sherry credible. The only lie of his that comes to mind is when he apologized to Sarah and said he lied when he actually had told the truth about her.
He has never trash-talked Bristol the way she has bad-mouthed him. I don’t understand why he doesn’t fight to see Tripp, but as Gryphen has pointed out, his “legal team” has not guarded his best interests. It’s not even clear that Levi has made big bucks after Rex & Tank took their cut. I bet his contract with them was the reason he wanted to charge you for an interview.
Levi worked with Special Olympics hockey in Wasilla. He lived at the Palin house and helped take care of Trig (or so the story went) and then Tripp. As for Sherry, how many 20-ish boys do you know who would stay home to take care of an ill mother? I think this just makes Levi typical, unfortunately.
I agree he is uneducated and uncurious, but I still think he is a more likable person than the Palins. Perhaps my gut feeling, and I admit I don’t know, that he means well goes back to the days of Audrey, when many of us felt Levi was a sympathetic character. Just because he has written his book to make money, doesn’t mean it won’t be true. He joins the ranks of the Kato Kaelins of the world.
Again, your book will be a real book. His will not. But he may tell us something that helps with the Trig puzzle.
I,ve always thought that Levi was swimming in this shit right up to his eyeballs. He’s doing this for the money and he’s never going to tell anything that will really hurt Sarah or her politics.
I have never understood why people keep saying Levi would’t lie.
I’m very glad to read that Palin’s dominionist beliefs are finally getting some serious attention. When she first appeared as McCain’s VP choice, I started googling. McCain’s crew had not yet wiped the ‘net, and what I found was disturbing. The 7 Mountains people were promoting her (and Bachmann) as early as 2006. Perhaps earlier, but that was what I found. She was close to two witch hunters – Glaser and Murthee – but the msm didn’t mention that until after the blogs did. I posted a lot about what I found on a couple of blogs, but it received little attention. People didn’t realize how deep the mandates movement went, how much money was involved, and what control the leaders had (and have). When C Street was exposed, I thought people would finally get it, but that also received little attention (other than Rachel Maddow), and faded away.
For people unfamiliar with the mindset, you can find a taste of it – just the bare surface – in this essay: Sarah palin, Warrior Princess of God. http://www.marlenewinell.net/content/sarah-palin-warrior-pr
I am in anticipation. You are really going to shake up the field in September.
Greetings from Texas, where our own Governor Goodhair (H/T to the late great Molly Ivins) is showing both his unerring political instinct wit these statements:
“Gov. Rick Perry doesn’t just covet the presidency. If his most recent statements are any indication, he also thinks it’s his calling.
Days after the Houston Chronicle quoted Perry saying he believed “with all my heart that God has put me in this place at this time to do his will,” the governor, speaking to The Des Moines Register, put his hypothetical candidacy in even grander terms.
“I’m not ready to tell you that I’m ready to announce that I’m in,” Perry said. “But I’m getting more and more comfortable every day that this is what I’ve been called to do.”
“This is what America needs,” he added.”
What the world really needs is for artists, writers and creative people to be able to show the true nature of our corrupt politicians:
Here is one artist doing just that. Also goes after Murdoch if you look at the flickr stream.
While the main reason I hope Palin doesn’t run is because I think it would be the ugliest episode in American political history, coming in at a close second is the collective meltdown we can deliciously anticipate from her followers.